Braille Media Tools

Accessible media, bringing words to your finger tips.

Convert Images (JPEG, PNG or GIF) files to BRL (Braille Lowercase) files

This simple online tool will convert an image file to BRL text. This is to enable older Braille imbossors to produce tac-tile images.

How to use this tool

Simply use the Browse button to locate your image, select the number of Braille cells per line and Braille lines per page and optionally select the negative option to reverse what is raised.

The image formats supported are JPEG, PNG and GIF images. It will re-size your image based on the selected Braille cells and lines.

By default, darker colours are raised while lighter colours are not. Selecting the negative option will reverse this.

Source Image: (70k Max)
Braille cells per line:
Braille lines per page: